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The Phyllocrania Paradoxa (Ghost) mantis. The Ghost mantis is sought after by newbie's to the hobby and veterans alike. This species is kept as a pet only and can not be released in the U. S. Size is a medium species reaching only about 2". Their color is either multi green, brown, dark brown almost black & a light beige. They are a docile mantis and do not roam around a lot.  Kit includes a container, spray bottle, Blue bottle pupae,  Flower pack and feeder hole for feeding.   This mantis as a nymph is the hardest to control! Upon opening their container they like to climb up to the very top and climb onto your hands, which makes it hard to get them back into the containers! I call them my "stinkin babies". Colors are ramdon picked.

Phyllocrania Paradoxa Pairs Subadult kit

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