Praying mantis for sale
Mantis are shipped via USPS Priority Express and will arrive within 1-2 days based upon your location and weather. Shipping costs to some states may be higher in price and we will notify you via email when this occurs. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE A PROPER ENCLOSURE/CONTAINER AND FOOD AVAILABLE FOR YOUR MANTIS WHEN IT ARRIVES TO YOU! We will send a 1 week complimentary supply of fly pupae for your mantis, however, pupae will take several days to hatch before you are able to feed it to your mantis. Insulation, heat or cold packs (weather permitting), as needed, are included; you do not need to purchase these items separately. Mantis will ship on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday (holiday and weather dependent). If order is received after Wednesday, we will plan to ship your package on Monday.